Exponential Human Development - Yes, but How?
Never before in the history of humanity have so many events of this magnitude occurred at the same time, and in such quick succession; what’s happening in the world right now is truly unique. It’s affecting every single person, independent of race, nationality, faith, income, or age.
Quantum Computing & Leadership in the Digital Economy
Though scientists are still debating the magnitude of Google.AI’s accomplishment and whether it demonstrates true supremacy or mere advantage, what we do know is that quantum computers will not be replacing digital computers any time soon.
Becoming Digital Beings? Untapping the power of Human Agency
On February 22nd 2019, at the launch of Singularity University’s NYC Chapter, we shared Four Dimensional Quotient (4DQ) with the rest of the world for the very first time. The response was positive. The three of us — Rosario B. Casas, Michael Landers, and myself — as co-founders of something new, were thrilled.
I Wish I Didn't Know
It's 1:28 AM on April 24th; I lay in bed wide awake, unable to sleep. It has been like this for the past few days, a total anomaly for me. My chest feels heavy, utterly heartbroken, but I can’t pinpoint exactly why.
How Not to Play “The Game of LIFE”
Stop playing, start living. Many of you may have already seen this video — it’s been going viral on social media, with nearly a million shares in a single week.
How to Keep Your Inner Flame Alive
On the one side, it seems like the world is falling apart. On the other, we seem to be living in the most prosperous times of all recorded history. Ultimately whether it’s falling apart or thriving like never before all depends on your own perception of the state of affairs.
7 Steps to Stress-Free Holidays
If the holidays — and all of the relationship dynamics they throw under the spotlight — cause you stress, this is for you. If you lead a stress-free life, please share your recipe with the rest of us! I’m not there 100% yet, but I’m always open to learning.
How I Lost My Dignity
I lost my dignity when I chose to share Christmas with my ex-husband and our daughter instead of the extended family. Divorce happens and it happened for me too.